Make It To The Final Reel!
232: BEHIND THE MASK: THE RISE OF LESLIE VERNON (2006) with CHRYSTEN PEDDIE & DAN COHEN “Killing Your Darlings”    [Pod-a-Thon: Day 6}
October 16, 2018
232: BEHIND THE MASK: THE RISE OF LESLIE VERNON (2006) with CHRYSTEN PEDDIE & DAN COHEN “Killing Your Darlings” [Pod-a-Thon: Day 6}
Play Episode

COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN: DAY 6 What happens when a movie breaks all the rules by... obeying the rules??? For this leg of the COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN POD-A-THON, I'm serving you some deconstructed slasher goodness.  BEHIND THE MASK: THE RISE OF LESLIE VERNON, ingeniously directed by SCOTT GLOSSERMAN, stands the genre on its head by taking you behind the scenes, showing you the ins and outs of the kind of planning required to become the next legendary mass murderer. And then it rips your throat out. Joining me on this leg of a journey most unwise are CHRYSTEN PEDDIE and DAN COHEN from the KILLING YOUR DARLINGS podcast. Because when shit goes down, you want a musical theater goddess and an architect by your side....cuz they prolly run real slow!     The COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN POD-A-THON is a fundraising effort by the ScreamQueenz podcast to assist NEW ALTERNATIVES in their efforts to get homeless LGBT teenagers in New York City off the streets, not just for tonight, but for good. I'm giving you 21 shows in 21 days. In return, I'm asking you to please give New Alternatives $21. You can make donations in any amount at

Chrysten Peddie Profile Photo

Chrysten Peddie

Chyrsten is an actor, singer, director and producer in New York City. She also co-hosts KILLING YOUR DARLINGS, a movie nostalgia podcast, with her husband, Daniel Cohen.

Daniel Cohen Profile Photo

Daniel Cohen

Dan is an architect living in New York City. He is also a co-host of KILLING YOUR DARLINGS, a movie nostalgia podcast, with his wife Chrysten Peddie.